Our Purpose
Creating champions in learning and life.
Our Vision
For the school community to work together to provide a safe, nurturing and sustainable environment where students love learning, respect themselves and others, and endeavour to achieve personal excellence.
Our Values
- Dream Big
- Aim High
- Make Mistakes Count
- Never, Never, Never Give Up
- Be Honest and Brave
- Be Kind
- Care for Yourself, Others & Our World
- Have Respect
- Laugh and Enjoy
- Stay Positive
- Follow Your Passions
- Celebrate
Hi I am Champ the Chuditch!
Champ the Chuditch is our school mascot. The chuditch is a local endangered animal who lives in Chidlow and other parts of the south west of WA. Champ is kind, caring and respectful and strives to achieve his personal best each and every day. Our students are encouraged to show the qualities of being champion learners in our school.
Champ reminds our students that champion learners need to be:
C – Curious
H – Hardworking
A – Ask questions
M – Make mistakes
P – Persevere
Chidlow Primary School is creating champions for learning and life.