School Uniform Shop
Students are expected to wear the approved school uniform at all times. The P&C Uniform Shop is open each Friday morning before school from 8.30 -9.00am or by prior arrangement.
Both new and secondhand uniforms are available.
For pricing please click on the below link or visit our School Uniform shop which is located in A Block.
Uniform Order Forms are available at the Front Office if you are unable to attend during opening hours. Payment must be made to the Chidlow Primary School P&C Bank Account prior to collection.
Canteen at Chidlow
The canteen is operated by the P&C and is currently open every Friday for recess and lunch. The canteen is run by parent volunteers and helps to raise funds for the school. Two to three parents are required each week to assist in running the canteen. Please consider putting your name down on the roster to help out. The roster is available at the canteen or through the school office.
Orders can be made in the following ways:
- Fill in orders for recess and lunch on separate bags with money and place in boxes in the classroom before school
- Complete orders directly at the canteen
- Complete orders online via Our Canteen and pay via credit card.
A new menu is usually sent out to all families each term.
After School Care
At Chidlow we use Hills Outside School Care (HOSCA) to provide before and after school care for our students. Any parents who require before or after school care for their children can call HOSCA directly to organise on 0477 585 424. Children will be dropped off and picked up from the school by bus and the service operates from Sacred Heart Primary School in Mundaring. Their hours of operation are 6.45am to 6.00pm. Please see attached flyer for more information.