About Us

The Chidlow Primary School Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association is made up of extremely committed parents who meet on the first Friday of every month at 2:00 pm in the School staff room or as advertised. The P&C support the school by raising significant funds to provide improvements to the facilities, supplement learning resources and educational programs, and support whole school activities.  A parent representative is also elected from the P&C Association as a member of the School Board. Please note if a P&C meeting lands on a Public Holiday the scheduled meeting will take place on the following Tuesday.
All parents are welcome to join the P&C and attend meetings.  It is a great way to meet other parents, find out more about the school, and make a positive contribution to your children’s education.  If you are interested in helping out or joining the P & C then please come along to the next meeting or contact the P&C.

Meet the Team

Our Services

Contact Us

Email: chidlowpc@gmail.com
Facebook: Chidlow Primary School P&C

Creating Champions in Learning and Life