Bushfire Plan
Due to the location of our school, there is always the potential for a bushfire to threaten our school, so it is vitally important that all
staff, students and parents know what to do in a bushfire situation.
Good Standing
Students are granted Good Standing at the commencement of each school year. To maintain their Good Standing students are required to follow the process laid out in both the Good Standing policy and this Behaviour Management policy.
Health and Safety
Crunch and Sip
Crunch&Sip® break is a set break for students to eat fruit or salad vegetables and drink water in the classroom. Chidlow Primary School has introduced Crunch&Sip® to support students to establish healthy eating habits whilst at school.
Parent Communication Policy
Parent Code of Conduct
Chidlow Primary School believes that parents play a formative role in the development of their child’s sense of justice, equity, and the dignity and worth of all members of our school community. The Parent Code of Conduct Policy provides statements which remind parents of their obligations as a member of the Chidlow Primary School Community and provides advice on the most appropriate behaviours that should be modelled to all students at our school.
Student Support
Chidlow Primary School aims to provide a safe, nurturing and sustainable environment where students love learning, respect themselves and others, and endeavour to achieve personal excellence. Every child has the right to receive educational programs that address their individual needs to assist them in fulfilling their potential. We employ procedures for the identification of students at educational risk and develop appropriate educational programs for them. We are accountable to monitoring the progress of these students and are committed to keeping their parents fully informed.
Students at educational risk are defined as those students who may be at risk of not achieving the major learning outcomes of schooling to levels which enable them to achieve their potential.
Students at educational risk may be characterised as students:
- Who are at risk of not achieving the major learning outcomes
- Whose achievement level, rate of progress or behaviour differs noticeably from past performances and/or that of his/her peers
- Who are under performing
- Who are not engaged in their schooling.
Parents who are concerned about their child’s progress or wellbeing at school are urged to contact the school to discuss.
Behaviour Management Plan
Chidlow Primary School aims to provide a positive environment in which each child is respected and his/her right to learn is encouraged and protected. The Behaviour Management policy outlines the procedures that staff will follow to ensure a consistent approach to managing and encouraging positive behaviour throughout the school.
Chidlow Primary School aims to:-
- To provide a happy, positive learning environment.
- To help students reach their full potential.
- To provide a physically and emotionally safe environment.
- To encourage students to accept responsibility for their own behaviour – choose the behaviour – choose the consequence.
- To ensure rules are applied consistently, fairly, consequentially and reviewed regularly.
- To enable teachers to teach in a purposeful and non-disruptive environment.
- Establish procedures so that conflicts can be resolved in a positive non-violent manner.

Code of Behaviour
The school community has agreed to a code of behaviour based on the 4B’s: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be kind and Be a Learner as outlined below:
We are Safe:
- We move safely around the school
- We use equipment and materials correctly
- We ask permission to enter or leave the room
- We are in the right places at the right time
We are Respectful:
- We are polite and use our manners
- We follow teachers instructions the first time
- We use active listening
- We put our hands up to speak
- We always ask if we can borrow equipment
- We care for our school
We are Learners:
- We always do our best
- We let others learn
- We take responsibility for our own learning
- We are organised
- We ask for help when we need it
We are Kind:
- We help others
- We use positive words to each other
- We treat others as we would like to be treated
Bullying Prevention
Chidlow Primary School believes that students and staff have the right to work and learn in an environment that is safe from violence, harassment and bullying of any kind. Any form of bullying will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s bullying policy.
Sun Protection Policy
Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. Overexposure to the sun during childhood and adolescent is an important contributing factor to the development of skin cancer later in life. As students are at school during times of peak ultraviolet (UV) radiation, schools can play a major role in creating a supportive environment that minimises exposure and encourages sun protective behaviours.
Our sun protection policy has been adopted to ensure that all students, staff, parents and visitors attending Chidlow Primary School are protected from skin damage caused by UV radiation from the sun. This policy is to be implemented throughout the year, but with particular emphasis from the beginning of September through to the end of May. The sun protection practices outlined in this policy will be applied to all school activities, including sports carnivals, excursions and camps. The policy has been developed in consultation with the whole school community.