Teaching & Learning
Teaching and learning are our core business at Chidlow Primary School. Our staff are committed to ensuring that all students are successful and given every opportunity to achieve to their personal best. We encourage students to be champions of their own learning and to develop the mindset of a learner.
Staff work collaboratively to implement whole school programs focussed on improving outcomes in the key areas of literacy and numeracy. We strongly believe in the power of working together with parents as partners in children’s education.
We nurture the development of the whole child and understand the importance of every child feeling valued, trusted and supported.
Our Key Objectives
At Chidlow Primary School we strive to:
- Establish clear targets and set high expectations, academic and non-academic, for our students
- Engage all staff in systematic, continuous and comprehensive self-assessment processes related to student achievement and school operations
- Deliver high quality teaching and learning programs aligned to the WA Curriculum and Assessment Outline
- Expand the quality of teaching through collaboratively sharing expertise, skills and understandings
- Establish a learning environment that is safe, caring and inclusive
- Target resources through school improvement planning, to maximize student achievement
- Build strong relationships and positive interactions between the school and it’s community
Our Beliefs About Learning
We believe that…….
- All students can be confident, successful learners
- Students learn best when motivated, engaged and challenged.
- Learning happens best when quality relationships between staff, students and parents are based on trust and mutual respect.
- Students unique skills, strengths and talents need to be valued, respected and accommodated
- Students need the opportunity to observe, practice and actively engage in learning experiences
- Everyone is a learner and it is a lifelong process
- Students need to take responsibility for their own learning by being reflective and setting goals for improvement
- We need to set high expectations for all students to achieve their personal best
- Students learn in different ways and at different rates.
Students need the skills to be adaptable learners for the future world