Health and Physical Education

Through Health and Physical Education, students learn how to enhance their health, safety and wellbeing and to contribute to building healthy, safe and active communities. It provides opportunities for students to develop skills, self-efficacy and dispositions to advocate for, and positively influence, their own and others’ health and wellbeing.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum teaches students how to be part of a healthy, active population and experience the personal and social benefits of living a healthy, active and fulfilling life. The Department of Education mandates that all schools include two hours of physical activity into the curriculum.  At Chidlow Primary School a specialist teacher delivers a quality Physical Education program for all classes from Kindy to Year 6.  In addition to this the school participates in various whole school and interschool sporting activities with other local schools.  These include:

  • Faction Athletics Carnival
  • Cross Country
  • In Term Swimming Lessons (PP to Year 6)
  • T20 Cricket Carnival (Years 5 and 6)
  • Winter Fixtures/Lightning Carnival for Football, Netball and Frisbee (Years 4-6)

The Health Curriculum is delivered by classroom teachers.  Bushfire education and Social Emotional Learning are key priorities for our school.  A whole school program called PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Skills) teaches students ways of managing their feelings and developing positive conflict resolution skills in order to work calmly and productively with others.  Bushfire education is part of the curriculum for all classes and regular fire drills ensure the school community to well prepared in the event of a bushfire emergency.

Health and Physical Education at Chidlow 2

Creating Champions in Learning and Life