Contributions and Charges 2025


In accordance with the Department of Education Contributions, Charges and Fees policy September 2001, schools can request up to a maximum contribution of $60 for years K –6. A contribution is voluntary, and the funds are used towards the cost of materials, services and facilities used by students in the educational programme.

Money collected will be used to supplement school expenditure in the curriculum Learning Areas.  While the Contributions are voluntary the quality of our teaching and learning program will be maximised when each family makes its contribution to the cost of supplementing funding gained from other sources, including the State and Commonwealth governments.  It is therefore vital for the school to receive your family’s Contributions.  Your Contribution will be used to supplement school funding for the purchase of resources needed in the provision of the learning program activities.

Contributions collected by this school contribute to:

  • Photocopying for all Learning Areas
  • Classroom resources and consumables eg paper, files, reading books
  • Science, English, Maths and Art equipment


CHARGES:  Extra Cost Options

The school charges outlined below provide an indication of the maximum charges for optional activities during the 2024 school
year. The activities have been identified by the school as supporting and enhancing the teaching and learning program. Where
students elect to participate in optional activities costs will apply and payment is required prior to participation.