School Board

As an Independent Public School, Chidlow Primary School operates under a School Board consisting of parents, staff and community members. Board members are elected for a maximum of 3 years and community members are appointed.

The School Board sets the long term future directions for the school and maintains oversight (not management) of the school’s operation. It provides additional expertise to help the school achieve the best outcomes for the students.

The School Board generally meets twice a term, with additional meetings called if and when required.

For additional information regarding the roles and responsibilities of the School Board please CLICK HERE

                                                                                                              School Board Members 2024

Board Chair
School Principal
P&C Representative
Parent Representative
Parent Representative

Parent Representative
Community Representative
Community Representative
Staff Representative
Staff Representative

Ashlee Craig
Amanda McCormack
Ashlee Craig
Antony Doolin
Joe Crook

Bryn Allan

Peter Hackett
Jamie Dadd
Claire Mansveld
Melissa Andersen

Creating Champions for Learning and Life